Think about those times in your life when you have felt inspired to something really great. Where does that inspiration come from?
The Holy Spirit. God inspires us to do great things with our lives.
----Matthew Kelly

Welcome to The Not So Perfect Catholic!

Disclaimer: I am not a theologian, just a Catholic empty-nester trying to figure it all out. The views on this blog are my own.

How Walking the Dog Inspired My Spiritual Life

Picture of a white wildflower with a yellow center in the grass with the title words above and below
On one of the first warm days this season as I was walking my dog, it hit me: How cool is it that Lent is this time of year? I've never thought about it until this year: Lent begins in winter and ends in Spring. Seeing color popping up all over gave me inspiration. I took a good look at the trees: they look dead, but after taking a closer look, you realize that they are coming back to life, first by the buds that will grow into leaves and flowers.
skyward view of branches with buds on them
We see color popping up in the most unusual places. I think we should see that in our lives God pops up when we least expect it.
Small wildflowers covering a green field giving it color
Spring is a time for us to wake up and appreciate the beauty that surrounds us. What was once sleeping or dormant is now bursting into life with all of the colors in the palette. Just as the trees and the flowers and even the weeds are coming to life with color, so should our spiritual life. We've made it through ordinary time and are making our way through Lent, so now is the time to start awakening.
Tree with purple flowers next to a bush with yellow flowers
With spring comes storms just as with our spiritual life we will have storms. Some may be rough and some not as rough as the others, but they will happen and we just have to trust in God that we will be safe. I think it's a beautiful thing that Lent starts in winter & ends in Spring because with the blooming of the spring flowers, so our hearts bloom for our Lord.
Red tulips, variety of garden flowers in the background with a flowering dogwood in front.
If the weeds can produce beautiful flowers then surely I, being the miserable sinner that I am, can also produce something beautiful. God gives us that chance to repent and to have our souls become beautiful again.
Small purple wildflowers in green leaves
Spring is a time of renewal: The earth wakes up and is renewed. The animals start the renewal of a new generation.
Male &  Female Mallard swimming in brook
I would encourage you to get out as soon as it's warm enough in your neck of the woods and take a walk. Take is slooooow. I'm usually all about getting around the park with the dog so I can get my 30 minutes in and be done with it. I am so thankful that I took the time when I started this post to take it slow and look...really look at what is going on around me. It is truly a wondrous thing, made more wondrous when putting it in the context of Lent and just how beautiful nature coinciding with the liturgical calendar is. I'm pretty sure it's no accident!

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